Sunday 30 September 2012

Fame or Fortune, Which Would You Prefer?

Original Title: Curiosity Killed the Kat
Series: Katherine Flynn #1
Author: Elizabeth Nelson
Publisher: Bristlecone Books
Release Date: June 3rd 2012
Genre: Romantic Suspense

Katherine "Kat" thought she had the perfect marriage to International Lawyer Steven Flynn.  Until he tried to kill her.

Katherine was the perfect obedient wife.  She would do anything for her husband. 

That is, until she discovers he's the ring leader of a human trafficking organization.  The action is fast and furious, the dialogue smart and the sex scenes hot.

Meet Katherine in Curiosity Killed the Kat as she goes farther and farther down the rabbit hole of political intrigue, sex and revenge.  Will she let herself be saved by love or will curiosity and a thirst for killer justice kill the Kat?

Fame or Fortune, Which Would You Prefer?

by Elizabeth Nelson

Unfortunately in the entertainment world it is very difficult to separate the two. But I prefer fortune over fame. I’d rather be the Unknown Soldier who delivers spectacular entertainment for my fans. I don’t need fame. At all.

I was raised by modest parents. I often look back on my roots to guide my decisions leading me forward and consistently seek my mother’s advice. Both of my parents made me the comfortable, confident woman that I am today. I don’t need publicity to reaffirm what my parents have already done.

On the other hand I live in L.A. the city where some say dreams are made. There are many people here that aspire day in and night for fame and they would do nearly anything in order to obtain it. It’s funny to me. People are more focused on the latest Hollywood hookups and breakups then they are with food crises in East Africa or women’s rights issues here in America and abroad.

Let’s say I can’t avoid fame. I would do my best to use it to make a difference. I really admire celebrities such as Bono and Angelina Jolie who have been able to use their fame for bringing such wordly issues that need to be addressed to the general public. If someday I reach fame of their caliber I hope to be able to look towards them for advice and use the fame for a greater purpose rather than trying to keep up with the latest, hottest trends.

On the other hand I love fashion. Shoes, clothes, jewelry, everything about being a woman. Just take a look at my Pinterest page ( I also love, love, love to travel. My interests aren’t cheap. So to choose between fame or fortune it would always be fortune. If I could have three wishes it would be to it would be to have financial independence, health and longevity to all my friends and family. Simple.

The author is giving away e-copies of her novel - Curiosity Killed the Kat - to three winners of the Rafflecopter giveaway.

The giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY and ends October 25th, 2012!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday 28 September 2012

Giveaway and Guest post on "Loving and Losing"

Original Title: Two Moons of Sera
Series: Two Moons of Sera #1
Author: Pavarti K. Tyler
Publisher: Fighting Monkey Press
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Fantasy, Romance

In a world where water and earth teem with life, Serafay is an anomaly. The result of genetic experiments on her mother's water-borne line Serafay will have to face the very people responsible to discover who she really is. But is she the only one?

Two Moons of Sera is a Fantasy/Romance and will be released in a serial format.


by Pavarti K Tyler 

In the beginning of Two Moons of Sera, the reader is introduced to Serafay.  She’s almost 16 years old, isolated and bored.  Rasied by her mother, Nilafay, in exile from their people, the Sualwet.  See Sera shouldn’t exist.  She is the result of experiments done on her mother by a species of people at war with her own.

Before Sera is even born she has lost more than most of us have to suffer.  She has no people, no identity, and no culture.  Her mother raises her the best she can, but doesn’t really understand her.  Nilafay is a Sualwet, a people who live beneath the sea.  While they can breathe above ground, it’s difficult, and their skin and eyes are unaccustomed to the harsh glare of the sun.

When Nilafay discovered she was pregnant it was a shock, there hadn’t been a live birth within the Sualwet community in over 300 years.  They had evolved beyond it, now breeding easily and without the pain of labor.  Nilafay is urged to abort, to find a way to rid her body of the child.  But she refuses.

She refuses because at the core, she loves her daughter.  Serafay’s existence may be an abomination to the Sualwet and her conception may have been due to the cruelty of a people who don’t even consider Nilafay human, but the feeling of life within her, the belief that this child is something special, inspires Nilafay to do the unthinkable.  She runs.  She abandons her family, culture and people.  A loss she will feel for the rest of her life.  But she does it for love.

Serafay comes into a world which cannot accept her.  Born to a mother who looks and acts so different it’s hard to believe they are related.  From the first moment the moonlight sparkles in her silver eyes, she is alone.  But can the love her mother raises her with, and the love she is capable of enough to help her endure all the loss still has to suffer in order to learn the truth about who she really is?

Well, you’ll just have to read and see.


The author is giving away e-copies of "Two Moons of Sera" to THREE winners of the Rafflecopter giveaway.

Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY and ends October 20th 2012!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday 27 September 2012

Interview & Giveaway: Dana White by June M. White

Original Title: Dana White, King of Mma
Author: June M. White
Publisher: Enterprises Unlimited
Release Date: June 2nd, 2011
Genre: Non-fiction

One cannot deny the immense popularity of Dana White in the MMA community and business world. Dana has millions of fans around the world; he has been invited to speak at Oxford University in England, Harvard University and at Bill Gates yearly conference of the world’s 200 most noteworthy individuals. Dana has made himself a multimillionaire before the age of forty, and has received many awards since taking over as President of the UFC, but who is this individual.

Who is Dana White? What is known about Dana White outside of what he tells the media about himself?

This is a biography of Dana White, no myths, no lies, no tales, nothing but the truth about the boy, the man, the king, the dictator.

Author's Note

I have written a book about my son, Dana White who is owner of the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship). As many of you know, my son has created a fan base of millions in the United States and around the world. Under my son's leadership, the very sport of mixed martial arts has emerged into an international billion dollar enterprise in a very short period of time.

I could really use some help picking a new title for my book. It is an unauthorized biography that speaks of many aspects of my son's life. The book chronicles who Dana used to be, where he came from and the person he has ultimately become.


If you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future? Into the future, you would be going into the unknown, a bit of a scary thought, adrenaline would definitely be pumping. You wouldn’t know if you were traveling to a world of peace, equality and free from all disease or to a world devastated by war, famine and destruction by mankind. In my mind I can picture both.
If you could invite any 5 people to dinner who would you choose? My friends and family.
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you want with you?Matches, knife or hatchet and bug spray, (I get eaten alive by bugs).
What is one book everyone should read? Mine. Hahaha
If you were a superhero what would your name be? Superhero June
If you could have any superpower what would you choose? Power to fly.
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? I love popsicles, and frozen fruit bars.
If you could meet one person who has died who would you choose? My dad, he died when we were young I would like him to see how we all turned out.
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Eggs, toast and coffee.
Night owl, or early bird? Night owl, I have wicked insomnia.
One food you would never eat? Raw anything, beef, fish, eggs. I need my food cooked.
Pet Peeves? Procrastination, being late for an appointment.
Skittles or M&Ms? This actually is a tough one, I buy either one of these when I need a sweet fix,Skittles.
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. It’s simple, it’s honest, it’s from the heart, about a mother and child, about success and loss.
Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? Yes, I prefer to write about things I know, I was a nurse for many years. I would like to eventually attempt a mystery novel, I enjoy Agatha Christie and Mary Higgins Clark stories.

The author is giving away e-copies of her novel to TWO winners of this giveaway.  Giveaway open INTERNATIONALLY.  Ends October 14th, 2012!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday 24 September 2012

Happy Birthday, Francis Scott Fitzgerald!

Today is the birthday of a great author, F Scott Fitzgerald!  And we are going to celebrate his birthday by sharing some of his quotes with him.

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was an American writer of novels and short stories, whose works have been seen as evocative of the Jazz Age, a term he himself allegedly coined. He is regarded as one of the greatest twentieth century writers. Fitzgerald was of the self-styled "Lost Generation," Americans born in the 1890s who came of age during World War I. He finished four novels, left a fifth unfinished, and wrote dozens of short stories that treat themes of youth, despair, and age.

F Scott Fitzgerald's Quotes

From the character’s perspective: How did it feel to live in a world where people seemed to not care? Did it bother you?

- Guest Post by Valarie Lovelight, Author of "Seeing Through the Eyes of Love"

 It was heartbreaking and added to my pain. I didn’t like when people were belittling, rude, demanding, or ungrateful before I became homeless. Then once I became homeless, I experienced it differently. The way people treated others and me with their words or actions was horrible. It hurt to be judged because of the way I looked and smelled. People had no idea how others or I ended up in that situation, but they assumed that it was all our fault or choice. In some cases, it was true, but definitely not in all. Some were victims of circumstance, even neglect, from an early age.

 As for myself, I was never one to judge because it never seemed right, and I was raised to show love and compassion to others. However, because of my inability to handle the pressure and my personal life, I made some bad decisions and choices. I had no one to blame but myself, and I didn’t blame anyone else. Sure, some people didn’t care about me, but others did. However, at some point, I stopped caring about myself and gave up.

On the streets, I found myself being taunted and seen as inhuman, and was treated like dirt. No one ever bothered to talk to me except for those in similar situations. I became invisible in a world full of people. Very few people showed care or concern. I understood the apprehension on their part, but it still hurt. People struggling still want to feel like they matter to someone. I know I did. I had to realize that I lived in a world where people have become afraid to reach out for fear of becoming a victim of a crime or attacked.

That’s why I don’t say all people don’t care because it wouldn’t be a true statement, and it’s just my opinion. Then my actions would be one of judging, and that’s not the type of person I want to be. Living in both worlds has taught me why it’s wise not to judge people or their situation. I’m only seeing the result of someone’s life, but I don’t know how they started off or how they will end up with a little help.

Isolation is the worst feeling to experience even for someone who wants to be left alone. Loneliness is more of a state of mind than about who’s around you. A person can feel lonely in a room full of people they know. Accolades mean nothing when you’re empty inside. It took the streets, patience, love, and concern of a stranger—and the possibility of death—to open my eyes and restore my faith in people, and even in God.

So, to answer your question in short, I felt abandoned until I realized that first I need to care about myself, before I was able to see that someone did too.


ABOUT "Seeing Through the Eyes of Love"

RAMONA CARSON is a Christian who is extremely opinionated, even judgmental, especially toward homeless people and those on public assistance. She sees nothing wrong with how she treats people or her attitude. While enjoying lunch in the park with her coworker Liz, a homeless man interrupts, asking for food. So much for loving thy neighbor and walking in love–she begins to belittle and insult him.

However, things are about to become interesting. Seeing him over the next few weeks, Ramona engages him in brief conversations, and learns his name is GARY DAVIDSON. From their very first encounter, she has no idea just how much he would affect her world and shatter her preconceived notions. She begins to question her heart and walk with God, facing her hurts and disappointments.

They say pride comes before a fall... so, watch out! One afternoon spent in an abandoned lot with a reverend and homeless people compel her to reevaluate the Christian values she previously prided herself on having. Now she’s forced to see how cruel and hurtful she has been to so many people and ask for forgiveness while finding love for herself. MAYBE.

Friday 21 September 2012

Feature & Follow #25 - Hype worthy books

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Thursday 20 September 2012

Review: Superheroes Wear Faded Denim

Original Title: Superheroes Wear Faded Denim
Author: Law Reigns
Release Date: March 20th 2012
Genre: Fantasy
Source: From the author

Blissany Cherry is tired of sleeping around. Her neurologists’ sleep solutions have failed her. Now that her bizarre sleeping habits have begun to include week long dreams she has resorted to her own methods for a cure.

METHOD ONE: CONTROL DREAMS. All attempts to morph dreams about a gorgeous warrior into romantic fantasies are thwarted. He keeps on insisting she is destined to marry a great king and lead their armies into war. At the end of every dream he asks her: will you fight the war and save mankind?

She laughs in his face.

METHOD TWO: RESIST! Blissany has plans for her life. None include fighting an intergalactic war. When her dreams begin spilling over into reality, she is forced to make a decision that will forever redefine her life. Standing between destiny and desire, she is left with only one option.



I have some contradictory feelings with "Superheroes wear Faded Denim".  Reason?  Yeah, I will get to that later.  Before that, I like the title and the cover.  The story and the world was unique.

There is a war, raging between the higher and lower realms.  Earth belongs to the middle realm.  Blissany and Dom, two humans from Earth were 'created' with a purpose to help the higher beings win the war.  But, they both already struggle to have a normal life, what with childhood troubles and sleep issues.  When the winged-and-gorgeous-angels ask their help to win the war, they are confused.  There is much convincing to be done by the angels.  Well, then goes the real story!  Will they accept and train for the war?  Will the higher realm win the war?  And yeah, there is romance.

Coming back to the contradictory feelings, I loved:
  • the world
  • the story

I hated:
  • the start of the novel
  • the confusion of the dream and real state of the characters
  • lack of depth in the characters

I felt like I didn't know these characters, even by the time I completed reading the novel.  CAN'T CONNECT.  I don't think many of them will have the patience to go up to 20% to start understanding what is happening in the novel.  But, I really enjoyed the fast-pace and action in the novel and got surprised by the way the author has built it.   Sounds contradictory?

Believe me, I want to say I love it..... But, sometimes, this disconnected feeling can become the major flaw to a novel..just like this time.

2.5 STARS!

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Interview & Giveaway: The Art of Change

Buy Now @ Amazon 
Genre – Romance / Literary Fiction
Rating – PG13
More details about the authors & the book
Connect with Kelly Andria on Twitter & Facebook


When gallery owner Nellie, a giving yet neurotic New Yorker, brings together the mismatched cast of characters in the opening of Ryan Whittaker’s debut, a phallic show, little does she know that she is setting the scene for odd and unpredictable relationships, much like Shakespeare in Midsummer Night’s Dream. The frenzied, magical mix-up is an outrageous farce with a deep moral message: there is a RIGHT place for everyone in this world and love and friendship cement us in it. The Art of Change is a funny, smooth reading romance, which deals with bridging differences in gender, education, social milieu, in an insane but pragmatic, modern fairytale, set in New York City. The twists of the plot are written without an ounce of cynicism but simply acknowledging that life is neither here nor there, neither black or white and all can be dealt with in real friendship and love.


Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. Because life is too short to be taken seriously
Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? Book sequel
What inspired you to want to become a writer? My need to tell stories and make people feel good.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published. Making people laugh with our book!
If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world.. which would it be? Tale of two cities.
What is your dream cast for your book? George Clooney, Edward Norton, Ethan Hawke, Julia Roberts, Penelope Cruz
What was your favorite book when you were a child/teen?  Pollyanna, E. H. Porter, and  Judy Blume
Is there a song you could list as the theme song for your book or any of your characters? Don’t worry be happy
What’s one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors? Have fun with what you do!
If you could choose only one time period and place to live, when and where would you live and why? Pre world war II in Europe. Lot’s of changes in every aspect of life.
If you could be one of the Greek Gods, which would it be and why? Zeus because he does whatever he wants and has fun!
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? New York City
What is your favorite Quote? Patience is the most overrated virtue
When you were little, what did you want to be when you “grew up”? Secretary General of the UN
If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play the lead role and why? Julia Roberts because her smile reflects her kind soul
How did you know you should become an author? I still do not know
Who are your favorite authors of all time? Marguerite Yourcenar, Virginia Woolf, John Russo, Maya Angelou, John Updike, Simone de Beauvoir, P. Coelho
Can you see yourself in any of your characters? Yes, in all of them
What’s the craziest writing idea you’ve had? To write a book together!
What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you? You do not have to be good you have to be fair!
Hidden talent? Multitasking
Favorite Food? Pasta and cheese and wine
Favorite Candy? Death by chocolate


The author is giving away e-copies of "The Art of Change" to three winners, chosen from Rafflecopter.  The giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY and ends October 10th 2012!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Kindle Fire Giveaway from - The Bestsellers Sandbox – Ann Pearlman & Terri Giuliano Long

Event Blurb
From the 19th to 21st of September, award-winning bestseller Terri Giuliano Long and Pulitzer prize nominee Ann Pearlman will be joining together to share their experiences of different publishing journeys.
In celebration of this great event, Ann and Terri are also giving away paperback copies of their novels, plus a Kindle Fire!  See below for details of how to get involved and enter this great giveaway.Join these two authors for the following events:

*** This post is a part of the Orangeberry Book Tours. ***


So, here goes a huge Rafflecopter giveaway for you, amazing readers!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday 17 September 2012

Interview with Marie-Nicole Ryan: Author of Taming Talia

Original Title: Taming Talia
Series: Loving the Lawman #2
Author: Marie-Nicole Ryan
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
Release Date: August 14th 2012
Genre: Historical Romance

"She'll take her pleasure hot...until it burns its way to the cold truth. "

"Loving the Lawman, Book 2"

Over her not-so-dearly-departed husband's grave, newly widowed Natalia Montrose vows to shake off the memories of her abusive marriage by bedding the first suitable man she meets. Enter handsome, flirtatious Jared Fields, who offers to help her manage her assets.

Natalia has no intention of giving up control of the ranch her father traded away-along with her hand-for gold. But she intends to enjoy this stranger's advances until all her desires are sated.

Jared is a rarity among Pinkerton agents. Well educated, the disowned black sheep of a wealthy New York City family, he enjoys the freedom afforded by his various assignments. But discovering whether the fiery Widow Montrose had her husband killed is a challenge with an unexpected twist. All he can think about is what he'll do when he gets her in bed.

Natalia and Jared circle each other warily, feeling the pull of sensual heat. But when the Blizzard of 1889 hits, the sexual sparks may not be enough to keep them warm...or alive.

Warning: Contains a sex-starved widow and a saddled-hardened Pinkerton agent who set the sheets afire.


1.  Is there an inspiration behind why you chose writing? 
I like sitting on my butt in front of a computer.

2.  When you were little, what did you want to be when you "grew up"? 
Anything. Just not a nurse or a teacher. As fate would have it, I became a nurse before I became a writer.

3.  Finish the sentence- one book I wish I had written is...
a million dollar bestseller.

4.  What are your current literary works?  
Literary?  Not so sure what I write would be called literary. Mainly, what I write would hopefully be classified as entertainment. Currently I’m working on the third book in my Loving the Lawman series. SEDUCING THE SHERIFF and TAMING TALIA are already available. MASTERING THE MARSHAL (#3) is in the early stages.

Any sneak peaks?
I have excerpts from each book posted on my web site.

5.  If you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future? 
I think I’d like to check out the future for a change. I’ve already lived in the past.

6.  Which topics would you like to explore in your future books (assuming there are more to come)?
Whether I’m writing historical or contemporary romantic suspense, my stories are about family and relationships.

7.  Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
To escape the humdrum of your daily life and immerse yourself into an exciting romance with a lawman or a federal agent.

8.  Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published. 
Royalty Checks that come regularly are my most rewarding experience. A close second is meeting fans who have actually read and enjoyed my books and are NOT related to me. After that, winning the 2008 EPPIE for erotic romantic suspense/mystery was pretty cool, too.

9.  What's one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors? 
You DO need an editor.

10.  If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
I’d like to be Stephanie Plum for a while just to sample Joe Morelli and Ranger.

11.  If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be? 
Too Dull to be True

12.  What is your favorite scene in the book and why do you love it? 
Are we talking about my dull life book? Favorite scene in that would be when I adopted Cassie the wonder Sheltie from the Middle TN Sheltie Rescue.

13.  What TV show/movie/book do you watch/read that you'd be embarrassed to admit? 
My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding.

14.  What books do you most recommend to friends?
Mine, of course. And those of my close writer pals.

15.  One food you would never eat? 


Favorite place? 
Canandiagua, NY

Best Christmas present?
The Kindle Fire received from my baby sis.

Favorite book?
All of mine

Favorite author?
Me—oh, you mean besides me?  B.J. Daniels, Annie Solomon, Janet Evanovich

Favorite smell?

Favorite series?
TV: NCIS   Books: Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum 

I have several—in no particular order: Fancy, Pissy, Marvee

Favorite writing spot?
My office

Favorite movie?
The Big Easy

Favorite dish?
Beef Stew

Favorite color?

Favorite quote?
“Sometimes all we have is our dreams.” Michael, La Femme Nikita

Favorite flavor of ice cream?
Butter Pecan

Your best trait?

Your worst trait?
Having to have the last word.

$10 Amazon Gift Card Giveaway - from Author J.R. Tomlin

Original Title: Freedom's Sword
Author: J.R. Tomlin
Release Date: March 11th, 2011
Genre: Historical Fiction

Before William Wallace, before Robert the Bruce, there was another Scottish hero...

In 1296, newly knighted by the King of the Scots, Andrew de Moray fights to defend his country against the forces of the ruthless invader, King Edward Longshanks of England. After a bloody defeat in battle, he is dragged in chains to an English dungeon.

Soon the young knight escapes. He returns to find Scotland under the heel of a conqueror and his betrothed sheltering in the hills of the Black Isle. Seizing his own castle from the English, he raises the banner of Scottish freedom. Now he must lead the north of Scotland to rebellion in hope of defeating the English army sent to crush them.


- Guest post by J.R. Tomlin

There are all kinds of research to write historical fiction or fiction. You have to read books, dozens of them. Or hundreds. You need to know everything from how they dressed to how they bathed to what weapons they used, and if you get it wrong, boy do you hear about it. But there are some things you can’t get from a book.

For that you have to visit the country you’re writing about.

Almost all of Freedom’s Sword is set in the north of Scotland in an area called The Black Isle. Now don’t ask me why it’s called that since it’s neither an isle nor black. It’s beautiful, edging on an arm of the North Sea called the Firth of Forth. Hill and even today somewhat remote, it is where the fight for Scottish independence began at Avoch Castle. The Castle is not even a ruin now. Only a stone cairn and a Saltire flies to commemorate the day Andrew de Moray raised the flag of Scottish defiance over his father’s castle.

Avoch Castle

But it’s easy to romanticize it. Instead I want to bring it alive for the reader. Only walking over the hills where they marched and fought, could I feel the things that they did. The spicy smell of the gorse and the scratch of its leaves.The stinging bite of the midges that swarm your neck. The scent of the sea air as it blows in from the firth. The stink of fish brought in from the sea. The frigid water of the River Spey as you splash across. Heather turning a blood red on gray cliffs in the cold autumn rain.

Few of the castles that Andrew de Moray took back from the conquering English stand as they did in his day. The Scots destroyed them to keep them from enemy hands. Even the ruins of Castle Duffus are ruins of a later age after it was re-built. But climbing the hill to where the ruins stand gives an idea of what the battle must have been like to take it back. And then Andrew de Moray burned it.

Duffus Castle, Scotland

And there I turn to imagination. Duffus Castle was built his family and what must if have felt like to burn it? To destroy your own lands and castles?To have been driven to such desperation?

Writing historical fiction is fun for exactly that reason. No other genre gives such a mix of things to work with. You study the history. You study the land. You mix it with your own dreams. And hopefully, you share them with readers.


The author is giving away one $10 Amazon Gift Card to the winner of the below Rafflecopter giveaway, specially for "Books Are Magic" (Thank you, J.R. Tomlin).  The winner will be chosen by

Giveaway open INTERNATIONALLY and ends October 8th, 2012!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday 16 September 2012

Guest Post & Giveaway: Marching With Caesar: Conquest of Gaul

Original Title: Marching With Caesar: Conquest of Gaul
Author: R.W. Peake
Publisher: Smashwords
Release Date: April 4th 2012
Genre: Historical Fiction

Titus Pullus joined the 10th Legion in 61 BC as a young boy looking for adventure with his childhood friend. Forty-two years later, Titus looks back on the beginning of his career when he was a Legionary, Marching With Caesar, as the greatest Roman of all conducted one of the most notable military campaigns of all time, the Conquest of Gaul.

What are the challenges you face as a writer in your genre?

- Guest Post by RW Peake 

My audience is pretty educated, and is very discerning. Ancient Rome has been “done” to death, for the last 2 centuries in particular, and those who enjoy this genre have a higher awareness of events and characters than I think a lot of readers do. For example, there are a lot of people who love Tom Clancy, but have very, very little knowledge of the military or the intelligence services. But that’s not true for those who are fans of Ancient Rome.

Also, the specific period in which I write, the Late Republic, at least from the perspective of my characters, suffer from a real lack of source material. This is a blade that cuts both ways; it allows me to take some creative license, but it also means that I’m likely to be questioned about some of the conclusions that I draw. That’s why I went to the lengths to research as much as I did, from dressing up in the full kit of a Roman Legionary, whereupon I went tromping all over Big Bend National Park, to stabbing a (thankfully already dead) pig with a Roman sword, to get a better idea of the specific facts involved in being a Legionary in Caesar’s army.

*** This post is part of a book tour for Orangeberry book tours. ***


The author is giving away e-copies of "Marching With Caesar: Conquest of Gaul" to THREE winners of this Rafflecopter giveaway.  Winners will be chosen by

Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY and ends October 26th, 2012!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday 15 September 2012

AMAZING Healing Crystals Giveaway & Guest Post: A Gathering of Angels

Original Title: A Gathering of Angels
Series: Claire Wiche Chronicles #2
Author: Cate Dean
Publisher: Pentam Press
Release Date: August 3rd 2012
Genre: Paranormal

Claire Wiche sacrificed everything to keep her friends safe, revealing her true self. She expected the final battle to be the end for her. But she is back, breathing - and threatened by an enemy she doesn't have the means to fight.

An enemy bent on vengeance and possession, whatever the cost.

Trapped, alone, Claire has to find the strength to stand against what she knows she can't defeat. And the courage to face the people she thought she left behind.


Sitting on the edge of the bed, Annie Sullivan tapped three sleeping pills out of the bottle and into her palm. After a short debate, she added another one. She set the bottle on the side table, dropped the pills in her mouth and chased them down with a long swig of beer.
It didn’t help any more than water, but it did make her head fuzzy a little faster. At least, that was the excuse she would give to Marcus if he ever found out.
He watched her like an overprotective brother. She wanted to slap him down for it, but she knew he was worried. Going into the fourth month after losing Claire, Annie looked like she was the one who fell into Hell.
She scrubbed at her face, then climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling, waiting for the pills to take effect. For the dreams to yank her in.
It didn’t take long before she was pulled under, slipping into smoke and shadow. Into a dream where she wasn’t alone.

Hello, my name is Cate, and I am . . . a writer


“I don’t know how you do that . . . but it was great!”

This is what my mom said to me after reading one of my stories (YA and fantasy – both so not her thing). Honestly, sometimes I don’t know how I do this writing thing, either.

Somehow, I sit down at a computer, stare at the blinking cursor, then just start typing. When I finally come up for air, there are words – and more often than not lately, good words. When I read them later, I find it hard to believe that I actually wrote that scene, that conversation between two characters that have suddenly come to life on my screen. I don’t remember writing it, but there it is, sitting on the page, waving at me. A miracle. A story.

I have been writing for so long, I don’t recall a time when I wasn’t writing something. Poetry, song lyrics, short plays – I’ve done it all, and thoroughly enjoyed every word. I even wrote a scene for my high school Shakespeare class in iambic pentameter. (Don’t be too impressed – it’s easy to do if you’ve read Shakespeare since 5th grade. Yep, I’m a theatre geek.)

Making up stories in my head and putting them on paper has always been a part of my life. It has only been the last few years that I got serious about it, that I wanted it to be not only what I did, but who I am.

I am a writer.

And that is more of an accomplishment than almost any words I string together – acknowledging it, to myself, to the world. Putting the deepest, most secret part of myself on virtual paper and putting it out there for everyone to see.

And it’s a terrifying thing to do – because not everyone will like me. Or what I have to say. Or how I say it.

But I accept that, now that I’ve put myself out into the world. There is no pleasing everyone – especially when it comes to something as subjective as fiction. I figure if my story inspires strong emotions, whether they be positive or negative, then I have done what I set out to do.

I made you think. I made you react. And hopefully, I made you care.

Thanks for hanging out with me today!




Cate Dean has been writing since she could hold a pen in her hand and put more than two words together on paper. She grew up losing herself in the wilds of fantasy worlds, and has had some of her own adventures while tromping through the UK, and a few other parts of the world. A lover of all things supernatural, she infuses that love into her stories, giving them a unique edge. When she's not writing, she loves cooking, scaring herself silly in the local cemeteries, and reading pretty much anything she can get her hands on.


Cate is giving away HEALING CRYSTALS (which are a big part in this series) to three winners from this giveaway.  Here is the picture of the healing crystals.

I know, its amazing right?  One of the winners will get the heart crystal from the collection.  And the other two is a SURPRISE.  Enter the giveaway through Rafflecopter and win them! :)

And guess what, this is INTERNATIONAL!

The Giveaway ends September 30th, 2012!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday 14 September 2012

Feature & Follow #24: Not-worth-hyped-book

  • To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
  • (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Hosts {Parajunkee and Alison Can Read}
  • (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers
  • Put your Blog name and URL in the Linky thing. You can also grab the code if you would like to insert it into your posts.
  • Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say “hi” in your comments and that they are now following you.
  • Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don’t just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don’t say “HI”
  • If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love…and the followers.
If you’re new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!

Thursday 13 September 2012

Dirty Little Secret #5

Dirty Little Secret is a weekly meme hosted by Under the Covers to know more about other bloggers and readers, by asking them a question hoping to reveal their dirty little secrets.

"It's blogger appreciation week...tell us which bloggers/reviewers would you like to meet in person?"

First, I want to appreciate and applaud the efforts of all bloggers, who put so much of their time to produce quality content.


Next, the answer to the question is - I want to meet so many awesome bloggers.  Some of them are:

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Giveaway & Guest post on Authors & Marketing

Original Title: Interviews with Indie Authors: Top Tips from Successful Self-Published Authors
Series: <Stand-alone>
Author: Claire Ridgway, Tim Ridgway
Publisher: MadeGlobal Publishing
Release Date: July 26th 2012
Genre: Non-fiction

Learn how to succeed in indie publishing.

With interviews from 34 of the hottest names in self-publishing, "Interviews with Indie Authors" contains a unique view into the world of the indie writer. Each bestselling self-published author shares how they ensure their books are a hit, and what led them to indie publishing in the first place. You will also find out what they think the future of self-publishing will bring. Their first hand experience is invaluable for anyone planning to succeed with their own books.

Whatever your background, you will learn from these incredible interviews.

With diverse genres such as thrillers, young adult fiction, the paranormal, romance, comedy, fantasy, horror, science fiction, mystery and even non-fiction, whatever you are writing about, this book has it covered.

Contains interviews with indie authors such as: Michael McCloskey, Nick Russell, Connie Suttle, Michael Prescott, Terri Reid, Hugh Howey, Scott Nicholson, Kristen Ashley, Aaron Patterson, Carol Davis Luce, Claire Ridgway, Alexa Grace, Marie Force, Shadonna Richards, Colleen Hoover, Barbara Freethy, Joseph Lallo, Rebecca Forster, Caryn Moya Block, Denise Grover Swank, Mainak Dhar, Imogen Rose, CJ Lyons, Bella Andre, Maria Murnane, Theresa Ragan, Russell Blake, Linda Welch, Debra Holland, J. Thorn, James Somers, Karen Cantwell, Tracey Garvis Graves and Elena Greene

50% of the royalties from "Interviews with Indie Authors" will be given to charity. The money will be split between two charities - ROPE (Relief for Oppressed People Everywhere) and Goal for the Gambia.

Authors & Marketing


If you're an indie author, then you're not just an author, you are also a publisher, publicist and entrepreneur. Nobody else is going to market your book and you can't rely on word of mouth unless you're the next E.L. James or J.K. Rowling. Of course, you can just sit back and do nothing, but good luck with that! Please let me know how you get on!

“Marketing” and “sales” are often viewed as dirty words and I have heard of authors who don't bother with “marketing” because they feel that their book is good enough to sell itself and therefore doesn't need any extra help. This is crazy thinking, in my opinion. Just look at TV commercials – we all need supermarkets, but they still advertise, don't they? They know the importance of marketing, of getting the word out and keeping their brand at the top of your mind. They don't start their business or open their shops and then rest on their laurels, they work hard on reaching customers and keeping customers

Do you believe that your book is good? Well, I hope so, because if it isn't then it really shouldn't have been published in the first place. If you do feel that your book is good and should be read and enjoyed, then it is your duty to get the word out. Sales and marketing are simply about making a connection between your book and potential readers, not conning people or losing your integrity.

So, how do self-published authors market their books?

Well, Tim and I have just interviewed over thirty successful authors for our book Interviews with Indie Authors: Top Tips from Successful Self-Published Authors and some of the ideas that kept cropping up were:
·      Blogging in your subject area – For example, I'm an author of Tudor history books so I run a Tudor history blog. When my first book was released, I simply blogged about it and sent an email to my subscribers.
·      Advertising – Paying for advertising on Google, Facebook, Goodreads, Kindle book sites, book blogs etc.
·      Using social media – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and your own author website.
·      Doing giveaways and competitions.
·      Writing more books – That way, when you've got a reader hooked they can finish one book and move straight on  to your next.
·      Using KDP Select promos and/or playing around with pricing to find a price that your readers are happy with.
·      Communicating with readers/fans – Readers get a real kick out of an author responding to them and may well tell their family and friends how nice you are and how good your books are.
·      Writing a quality book in the first place – Have it professionally edited, pay for a quality cover and never stop trying to improve your writing. Make your readers happy and they're more likely to spread the word about your book.

There are so many ways to market your book and I've also found taking part in a virtual book tour (or blog hopping) beneficial, so be as creative as you want to be. Just don't press “publish” and then feel that the world owes you a living, because it doesn't. The work doesn't stop then, it's just beginning!


The author is giving away e-copies to THREE winners of the Rafflecopter.

(If the Rafflecopter widget is not loading properly, please try refreshing your page.)

Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY and ends 26th September 2012!

a Rafflecopter giveaway