Sunday 12 February 2012

Review: Promising Light (The Protectors #1)

Original Title: Promising Light
Series: The Protectors #1
Author: Emily Ann Ward
Published Date: January 2012
Genre: Fantasy, Paranormal Romance


Grace began a secret courtship with Dar for the thrill of doing something against her father, the king’s general. She hadn’t planned on falling in love with him. When Dar suddenly leaves her, she searches for answers, reluctant to let him go.

Everyone seems determined to keep the truth from her—until she’s kidnapped by Dar’s family. They’re shape changers who claim she can break a curse set on them ten years ago by the Protectors, a group of noblemen determined to stifle magic in the name of safety.

Torn between two worlds, Grace isn’t sure who to trust. If the curse endures, Dar’s family could die out forever. But to help them, she’ll have to leave behind everything she knows.


*** This book was received from the author for review purposes. ***

Promising Light was a surprisingly sweet and warm fantasy/romance novel.  It was an adventure novel, where we travel along a long way with our protagonist.  This is my first novel with this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Our heroine and this book's Promising Light, Grace Ellengreen is a General's daughter.  Grace is a noble, and the book starts with her secret courtship with Dar, the son of the Governor of Shyra.  As Grace's father doesn't approve of Dar's family, she keeps it a secret.  But suddenly, when a stranger warns her to stay away from Dar for he is dangerous, everything changes between them.  Dar leaves Grace and she falls apart not sure of when she fell in love with him.  In the midst of this, Prince William is interested in her and even might propose marriage to her. But, soon life becomes larger than she thought..what with people shape-shifting in front of her eyes and her kidnapping by them.  It gets more interesting to the readers.

The characters and story-telling are just great.  The book has a historical setup, which adds to its value and interest.  The fantasy and adventure, as the party travels in search of the secret scrolls (I think you have to get the book to know what this is all about! :)), is really entertaining.  Any fantasy reader can get lost in this book.  And the romance between Grace and Dar will keep you thinking.  Other characters, Sierra, Evan, Lee, Vin, Kyler, Grace's father and many more..the author was so descriptive that I can just picture everyone and every place she mentioned.  Nice job on the descriptions!

The series contains four books.  So, you will have to wait longer to know what happens next, because the story doesn't end here.  I definitely have to agree that the author has done a great job!

4.5 stars!

About the Author:

Emily Ward is the author of Passages, Finding Fiona, and The Protectors series. One of her first stories featured a young girl whose doll came to life. The rest is history. She spent years writing mainly fanfiction (thank you, J.K. Rowling!), but has since ventured into originality. When it comes to fiction, she writes mainly young adult, contemporary, and fantasy. She also writes nonfiction, ranging from stories of her travels to thoughts on the Bible. Aside from writing, she loves reading, traveling, learning about God, sociology, religion, and Reeses sticks. Currently, she lives in Salem, Oregon with her husband Chris and their cats. Visit her website at


  1. New follower. I will contact you soon about a new book release.

    1. Can't wait, Vanessa! :) And thanks for following!

  2. Oooh, I want to know why the nobles thought that restricting magic would make things safer! And with that kind of plot in your review, well, sounds like a great book, must check it out! And a great review! Happy reading!
