Tuesday 7 February 2012

Wishlist Wednesday #2

Wishlist Wednesday is a book blog hop conducted by Pen to Paper, where we will post about one book per week that has been on our wishlist for some time, or just added (it's entirely up to you), that we can't wait to get off the wishlist and onto our wonderful shelves.

The book on my wishlist is "The Return of Rafe MacKade (The MacKade Brothers #1)".

Goodreads Synopsis:


Some said there would be trouble. Bound to be. Trouble hung around Rafe MacKade like a bell around a bull's neck. Oh, he was as handsome as ever, with those devil's good looks the MacKades were gifted -- or cursed -- with. If a female had breath in her body, she couldn't help but look twice at that loose-legged stride that seemed to dare anyone to get in the way.

And what about that newcomer, Regan Bishop? Pretty as a picture, but a little prim. Would she be impervious to the legendary MacKade charm?

Sure didn't look that way....

My Thoughts:

It's quite some time now, since I read a contemporary romance.  I have been lately reading a lot of paranormal and historical romances - no complaints there.  So, this caught my eye and there were so many good reviews about it.  Having this on my wish list and maybe will read it soon.

So, what's on your wishlist?  I would like to see more amazing books.. 


  1. God I read this such a long time ago. It's one of the few books that made me fall in love with Nora Roberts and the romance genre in general.

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

    1. Yes Ning..many told me so. I wish I could get this book on my birthday next month! :)
