Thursday 29 March 2012

Feature & Follow #8

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  • Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say “hi” in your comments and that they are now following you.
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Do you read one book at a time or do you switch back and forth between two or more?


One book at a time.  Although I sometimes switch between the books, if I have audio book in hand.  Audio book - while travelling, and hardcopy/Kindle - while at home.  

So, what is your answer to this question?

Follow me and comment below, so that I can follow you back!  Thanks for stopping by and happy weekend to everyone!


  1. I used to be a one book girl. Then there came a time when there were just to many. new follower.

  2. I can only read one at a time. However, if I had more audiobooks I might be tempted to read more than one!

    Mr FF
    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  3. Currently, I'm switching between whatever I'm reading, and The Hunger Games (seriously, the only thing I want to do is read that series over and over again until I know it by heart!) Usually, though, I only read one book at a time. Now that I've seen so many people who switch back and forth, I might try to push myself a little harder.

    My FF
    Happy Friday :)

  4. Hi & Happy Friday!

    I tend to have 1 book on my kindle and another on my iphone/ipad :)

    My FF,

    Have a great weekend, Sharon

  5. 2 at the most, but I have no prob at all to to other stuff while I'm reading a book. I'm a multi-tasker :-) Also, if I'm reading 2's a "main" (read & review) one & a "secondary" one (read).
    New follower! Happy Friday
    _yay_: FollowFriday

  6. I'm a one book person too. But I might could manage audio books like that as well! I've never tried.

    Love your blog! It's so colorful!

    I'm now following you via GFC, Twitter, and FB!

    Here's my post: Lit Girl: Follow Friday

  7. Old follower hopping through! :)

    Same here! I usually read one book at a time, but might switch between versions of the book! Completely forgot to mention that! >_<

    Patricia // My FF

  8. Hi there :) just hopping through...

    I'm a multi-book girl,it's just the way I've read for quite some time.
    Here is my choice...

    Feature & Follow

  9. Old follower now also following through Networked Blogs, I also only read one at a time, my FF

  10. I've never really tried audio books- think I will when I start driving!

    New follower :-)

    My FF:

  11. I love audiobooks for when I'm travelling... or when I need to get lots of knitting or crochet done and there's nothing good on TV. I have to admit that I do prefer to actually read rather than listen when I'm in the house.

    My FF.

  12. Like the birds I'm a new follower GFC

  13. New follower here. 1-2 books for me.

  14. It's one book at a time for me.

  15. I can read more than one at a time.

    New follower, here for the hop :)

    Liza’s Feature Friday

  16. I read more than one book at a time. I like being able to read where ever I am.

    New Follower

    MY FF

  17. Hi,
    New follower. Nice to meet you!! I like your blog!! I usually have two books going at the same time and 1 book in my purse. LOL :)
    Here is mine:
    Mariann with Belle's Book Bag

  18. I always read one at a time so that I can give my full attention to it!

    OLD Follower!


  19. I'm the same way, I can only read one book at a time. It's the best way for me, otherwise I don't feel like I am giving whichever book I am reading at the time the best possible review. I'm a new follower you can find my FF here! CLICKY HERE! =D

  20. Thanks for stopping by my blog following you back
