Monday 7 May 2012

Review, Interview & Giveaway: Legacy of Angels by Genie Gabriel

Original Title: Legacy of Angels
Series: Legacy #1
Author: Genie Gabriel
Publisher: Rogue Phoenix Press
Published Date: May 1st 2012
Genre: Contemporary romance, Mystery


Two tarnished angels--a former priest and a former prostitute--risk their lives to save a baby from a beast-man's savage vengeance.


Having read a lot of angels and fallen angels novels changed my mind, I think.  When I first heard about the title "Legacy of Angels", I accepted without any more thinking (didn't even look for that two lines of blurb).  Even when I was reading upto 10% of the novel, I was thinking this novel to be one of the regular ones.  SO SO WRONG!

Claudia is turned into a prostitute by her selfish mother at the age of 12.  Being constantly hurt by men, both physically and emotionally, Claudia hated men and never trusts them.  When one such men, an evil police officer, makes her pregnant, again by force, Claudia started loving her unborn child.  As soon as the child was born, that man who made her pregnant, took that child and sold to a rich couple for a great price.  After few months, he comes again, looking like a real beast and tries to kill her.  Claudia runs away from the beast, from her past, from facing her mistakes..

Patrick, an adopted child in a beautiful family, is a priest and sees an angel in his thoughts from the age of 4.  Even though he is a priest, he doesn't accept many of their terms.  He accepts the job, only because he will get a chance to help others.  When he meets Claudia running away from the society, he takes the responsibility of caring for her.  He slowly starts liking her, although he knows he is committing a sin of liking her when he is a priest.  But, will Claudia accept him, when all she feels towards men is hate?

Well, you can see what I meant before, when I said I was mistaken about the title?  Yeah, so very mistaken.  But, I don't regret reading this one.  Its a good novel, that will make people think about what is real service.  And I enjoyed the novel too.  The family of Patrick was just so beautiful..I really learnt many things from Patrick's mom - she actually felt like a real hero to me.

Well written novel, that do NOT focus on fallen angels.. :)


-- Is there an inspiration behind why you chose writing?
Um, the old story of I started reading a book and slammed it shut with the comment, "I can write better than this." I quickly realized writing a book wasn't as easy as I thought. However, by then I was hooked on writing, so learned the craft and, fourteen years and many frustrations later, sold my first book.

-- When you were little, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?
Had not a clue! However, now that I'm "older," I've decided being child-like is a gift and I like making up stories and playing with my dogs. :)

-- What are your current literary works?  Any sneak peaks?
My LEGACY series of at least nine books will feature eight adopted siblings including a priest who is a black belt karate master, stolen babies, an exploding town, motorcycle jumps--that barely scratches the surface of the first two books. There's much more action and challenges to come and, of course, happily-ever-afters for all the main characters.

-- If you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future?
Funny you should ask about time machines. One of my romantic comedy novellas, "St. Batzy & the Time Machine," features a little white terrier suspiciously like one of my real dogs who travels into the past and causes quite a stir.

-- Which topics would you like to explore in your future books (assuming there are more to come)?
There are at least seven more books in my LEGACY series, which will be released every two months. As these books have unfolded, I've come to love these characters more and more. They live in the small, fictional town of Halo with a gossip network that can travel faster than Bigsy Dalton in a gorilla suit. When the main characters face their biggest fears, it challenges their integrity and their relationships. They jump into situations like action heroes, make heart-wrenching decisions with their eyes wide open and sometimes filled with tears, and fall in love for keeps. And always, this adopted family is bound together by love.

-- Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
Getting comments from readers saying how one of my stories touched their lives.

-- What is your favorite scene in the book and why do you love it?
That's tough. There are many scenes I love in LEGACY OF ANGELS. Patrick and Claudia continually surprised me with their courage in searching for a path of integrity. Not necessarily an easy path or a socially acceptable one, but one that felt right in their hearts. They both want "things" they don't think they can have: someone who loves them in spite of their less-than-ideal pasts, their own family, and a place to call home. Yet they unselfishly think of what's best for others first. They don't want to realize their dreams at the cost of others suffering.


Favorite place?

Best Christmas present?
Anything hand-made from a child.

Favorite book?
Too many to choose one, but Louise Hay's HEAL YOUR BODY is on my list of favorites.

Favorite author?
Again, too many to choose one--and I love discovering new-to-me authors.

Favorite smell?

Flowers blooming or cookies baking. I also love the smell of coffee brewing, but I don't drink it.

Favorite series?
My LEGACY series, of course!

Not telling. :)

Favorite writing spot?
If I had a laptop, it would be on the bench under my magnolia tree. Since I don't have a laptop, I just look out my office window at this spot.

Favorite movie?

I have many on my to-be-watched list--but they will have to wait until my series is written and published.

Favorite dish?
I tend to eat the same meal for several weeks, then switch to something else. I've been loving fresh fruit with whipped cream.

Favorite color?
With millions of colors to choose from, it changes.

Favorite quote?
At the moment, it's the one from Henry Ford that basically says, "Whether you think you can or can't, you're right."

Favorite flavor of ice cream?

Moose tracks--which chocolate and caramel swirled in vanilla.

Your best trait?
I'm pretty generous, which can result in my worst trait...

Your worst trait?
I'm a recovering "fixer"--I want to fix problems for people instead of letting them work things out for themselves. But I'm getting better about just focusing on my own lessons.

Thank you, Books Are Magic, for hosting me today!

Web site:


Genie will be giving away a $25 Amazon GC to one randomly drawn commenter during the tour and a $10 Powell's Bookstore GC to one commenter at every stop.  

Open INTERNATIONALLY!  Ends May 28th 2012!

*** This post is a part of the tour for Goddess Fish Promotions. ***


  1. Good morning, and many thanks to Books Are Magic for hosting me today! I'm a night owl and am usually lucky enough that my doggies let me sleep in a bit in the morning. So if I'm slow at responding to comments at first, please know I'll catch up! I'm looking forward to chatting with you!

  2. A great review & I enjoyed the interview thank you. I believe that books are magic too.


  3. Hi, Marybelle! I appreciate you stopping in--it's good to "see" you again! One drawback about all the great books available is I don't have lots of time to read when my writing schedule is heavy. Have a wondrous "to-be-read" pile of print books as well as a list of ebooks waiting. When the time comes, I think I'll stock up on my favorite foods so I don't have to leave home and have a readathon!

  4. I enjoyed reading this interview because it seems like Genie and I have many traits in common. I love moose tracks (one of my downfalls), I often eat the same meals for long periods of time (now it's oatmeal for breakfast for 6 months), and I alwo have too many movies I would love to watch, if only I had the time! I think I would enjoy reading the Legacy series and can't wait to start with this book!

  5. Hi, PuttPutt! So a perfect day could be getting a couple gallons of moose tracks and watching movies for hours! LOL! I'd probably be pathetic the next day, though. :) Thank you for your kind words and for stopping in. Your name will also go in the hat for my contest!

  6. Thanks once again to Vidya and Books are Magic for having me be a guest! The winner of the $10 gift certificate to Powell's Books will be announced on my Legacy blog ****. Thanks to all who stopped by!

  7. Great review and interview! Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. I think this is a great promotion..great review!

  9. That review just made me want to read the book. I liked the enterview and thanks for the giveaway :D

  10. This looks like an interesting book.

  11. Great cast of characters. This is one I would love to read.

  12. I would really love to read this book. Such a different story line. I am always intrigued by what makes people take religious vows and what would cause them to break them.

  13. Great interview & the book sounds unique! Thank you for the giveaway as well!
    gbondi07 at gmail . com

  14. Great giveaway. Thanks.
    magic5905 at embarqmail dot com

  15. wow I love coers and yours grabbed my attention fast.


    dlsmilad at yahoo dot com

  16. Great review. It sounds so terrible for the heroine I hope she gets a happy ending after such a bad beginning.


  17. Moose Tracks sounds fab, I think I've seen it in stores. And good for you for giving Powell's Books some love...I'm crazy about the website, and hope to visit one day.


  18. Good review & interview. It sounds pretty interesting. Thanks for hosting.

    ladymagic0 at

  19. Very fun interview. The book sounds interesting.


  20. Great Interview I love reading them you get to now the authors and sometimes I thank that helps me enjoy the books even more. Thanks for the great giveaway. crystaley73 at yahoo dot com

  21. Fun interview. Love reading books and knowing about the author really helps to want to read more~! great giveaway

  22. Thanks for the international giveaway

  23. Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    tasnim-sheikh at hotmail dot com

  24. Thanks for the interesting interview (and review). I'm laughing at some of you quick answers. Nickname? I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours! ( a pigs eye, I'll never tell)!

    You can use sitting on the bench under that Magnolia tree as your reward for getting your word count for the day!

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  25. Someone not drinking coffee? Crazy! I drink it in liters.... Like, 7 cups a day :D And I'm curious about a nickname.

  26. Honestly, as soon as you said this was not about fallen angels you had me. I need something refreshing. Sounds like this one fits the bill!!

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  27. Looks brilliant would love to win!
