Sunday 3 June 2012

Interview with Jeffrey Kosh, Author of 'Feeding the Urge'

Original Title: Feeding the Urge
Author: Jeffrey Kosh
Published Date: January 31st 2012
Genre: Horror

In Prosperity Glades, a small town on the shores of Lake Okeechobee, you can run across Dr. Axel J. Hyde, the County's Assistant Medical Examiner. He's an eye-catching man, yet hides a dark secret from the age of ten. He's a remorseless murderer with a weird twist: a 'Rider' urges him to hunt and dismember 'people who feeds on fear'. Sexual killers, rapists, pedophiles - none escape his cold fury.
?However, when someone begins 'poaching' into his territory, Axel is caught between the urge to find and kill this kindred soul or greet another of his 'species'. Is the Rider a real spiritual entity or just the product of a kid's scarred psyche?
Do you dare to find out?

'An Inner Darkness that must be Fed.'


  1. Tell us something about your book that is not part of the book description (blurb)..
It’s a book about the way we feel toward wrongdoers. We all cry out what we would do people hurting kids, raping women, or causing mayhem in our good citizen’s life. But what if you could really do it? I tried this experiment on a cathartic way, having some of the worst characters I could imagine get some quite horrific deaths. But does this make any different from the monsters. 

  1. Who is your book cover designer and what do YOU think about the cover?
I designed the cover myself, yet I recently made a major renewal to it. Now, it looks exactly like had to be from start.

  1. What are your current literary works?  Any sneak peaks?
I’m writing two different stories. A classical gothic horror novelette on voodoo set in 1850’s Louisiana, and my first attempt at the erotic thriller genre. I’m having a lot of fun at both.

  1. What movie and/or book are you looking forward to this year?
Prometheus by Ridley Scott

  1. If you could invite any 5 people to dinner who would you choose?
Jaime Johnesee, Billie Sue Mosiman, Suzi M, Armand Rosamilia, and Kat Yares. They are all horror authors I’m in contact with. Jaime is my best pal, we often collaborate by proofreading each other’s work. Billie Sue is my idol; she has such a brilliant mind and makes for good conversation. Suzi is an excellent artist with the right dose of dark side. Armand is one of the funniest guys I ever met, and would be a perfect party mate. Kat is intriguing; this lady from the Ozarks has a vivid imagination and she’s also a good listener.

  1. What's the craziest writing idea you've had?
Coming to live in Southern Thailand.

  1. Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
I think it is a good story. Period.

  1. Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.
Receiving praises from people I never met. That’s great.

  1. What's one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?
Perseverance. And be professional, never alienate people by pimping your wares everywhere.

  1. If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be?
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Even if I’m afraid we already live in such universe.

  1. If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?
Feeding the Urge? *laughs*

  1. What is your favorite scene in the book and why do you love it?
My favorite is when Axel tries to act as humorous in ‘Ambush’. He feels better and wants to emphasize this by cracking some puns. This marks the growth of the character.

  1. What TV show/movie/book do you watch/read that you'd be embarrassed to admit?
No one. I watch and read all kind of stuff; from Desperate Housewives to Dexter. There’s nothing in culture, pop or classical, which embarrasses me. I watched some romance Mexican ‘telenovela’ with my wife and feel no shame about it.

  1. What is one book everyone should read (apart from yours)?
Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus. Absolutely.

  1. What is your favorite way to spend a rainy day?


Favorite place?

Best christmas present?
Any. It’s a gift, so I appreciate.

Favorite book?
Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus

Favorite author?
Mary Shelley

Favorite smell?

Favorite series?


Favorite writing spot?
Anywhere, but I need silence.

Favorite movie?
Too many, but I put ‘Waking Ned Devine’ first.

Favorite dish?
Chili con carne.

Favorite color?

Favorite quote?
‘The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote.’ Ambassador Kosh           Naranek – Babylon 5

A bunch of small gifts or one big expensive one?
A bunch of small gifts from many, many, many people.

Your best trait?
Being optimist.

Your worst trait?
Being pessimist. *laughs*

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