Thursday 25 October 2012

Feature & Follow Friday #27

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What writing device or trick most irritates you when reading a book? For example, if an author employs an omnipotent narrator that is sometimes considered bad form.


I don't like long morals at the end of the novels.  Those should be implied as part of the story, not told as long dialogues at the end.

Also, some characters introduced in the middle of the novel, which will contradict some part of the earlier story - like some teacher/brother immediately appearing to help at the end, who was never mentioned before..I don't like it.

So, what is your answer?

Follow me and comment below, so that I can follow you back!  Thanks for stopping by and happy weekend to everyone!


  1. Hopping through. I agree that major moral statements can ruin a book - like Little Women.
    My Hop

  2. Oh yeah. I agree that the sudden character introductions can change it. And everything. New follower via GFC~

    - Cindy

  3. I don't run into many moral long moral statements. It would turn me off for sure.

  4. Oh yeah! Sudden character introductions really get annoying and it's hard to keep track of everyone. :)

    New follower here! :)

    My Feature & Follow Friday

    Sarika @ The Readdicts

  5. Yeah, at times it gets really confusing!
    new Follower,
    Check out MY FF

  6. I've never read one with a moral at the end in a long dialogue :o But it's also irritating when a moral is pushed on the reader, rather than subtly placed in the text.
    Rinn (My FF)

  7. I don't read many books with a moral at the end in a long dialogue but I definitely agree that it can irritating. New follower :)
    My FF

  8. New to F&F and new Follower of you via GFC :)
    My F&F:

  9. I like your answer - different from the so many oft repeated ones!
    The entry of new character is just very convenient, I don't like it either.
    Old follower
    My post - F&F: Lit Tropes
    Addie @ READioactive Book Blog

  10. I agree, just hopping by.

  11. Interesting aspect for the question. I've never really thought about that. But now I know what you mean!

    New Follower... Here's My FF

  12. I don't think I've come across that, but that would annoy me too.

    New follower via GFC.

    My FF

    Sabina @ Delirious About Books

  13. I don't like changing POVs that get me confused. =)
