Monday 14 May 2012

Book Feature & Interview: Wings of Hope by Hillary E. Peak

Original Title: Wings of Hope
Author:  Hillary E. Peak 
Publisher: Createspace
Published Date: December 9th 2011
Genre: Family, Fiction

The bond of a father and daughter is special. When Jules father asks her to come be stay with him because he's terminally ill, she goes for the remarkable opportunity to really know her father. She never dreamed he had liberated a concentration camp, dealt cards to Bugsy Siegel or saved the life of a Black Panther. Wings of Hope takes you on a road trip through the memories of a man making peace with his life through his conversations with his daughter. Teaching her that death is sometimes the most heartbreakingly beautiful part of life. Hope is the last gift of a father to his daughter--the power to reach for her dreams.


Is there an inspiration behind why you chose writing?  

Yes, while I was pregnant, I was really missing my father.  So I started writing down his stories to be sure I shared them with my child.  From that was formed a fiction novel.

When you were little, what did you want to be when you "grew up"?

I wanted to be an actress.  (which would have been a much better choice than a lawyer, which is what I do when I’m not writing!)

Finish the sentence- one book I wish I had written is....  

Bel Canto.  I still think about that book.

What are your current literary works?  Any sneak peaks? 

I just finished a legal thriller entitled “Justice Scorned.” 

Preview:  The night was balmy--a perfect spring evening, just a little breeze cooling the air.   The cherry trees, empty of their white blooms rustled softly.  The water rippled, making the reflection of the monuments appear to shimmer in the water.   Suzanne drank it in.
“This is Washington at its best,” the Judge thought as he and his wife made their way back to the court’s parking garage after seeing Contact at the Warner Theatre.  The Judge walked down E street, his hands stuffed in his pockets, his wife two steps behind him, trying to keep up.
Randall and Suzanne walked by the guard station, waving at the Marshall. 
“I’ve got some things to do in the office,” Randall said evasively, not looking in Suzanne’s eyes.  “I’ll walk you to your car then meet you at home later.”
“If it’s alright,” she said meekly, “I’d like to come up and use the powder room before I get in the car.  I’m not certain I can make it all the way home.”
Randall sighed and tried not to look annoyed.  She’d been up earlier this evening, hadn’t that been enough?  Must he be subjected to further time with her?
“Of course, dear,” he smiled, then opened the door to the elevators for her.  They rode up in silence.  “I just wanted a little peace,” he thought to himself as he watched the lights click from one number to the next.  At last, they reached the eighth floor and stepped out.  Randall strode purposefully in front of Suzanne toward the locked door to the office.  The lights in the hallway came on as he passed in front of each sensor allowing him to move quickly, although he knew the entire area by heart.  After all this was his domain, his home.
He stopped at the door, put the key into the lock and turned it.  Pushing it open, he caught the doorstop with the toe of his shoe at the same time.  The office was completely dark in the interior, but beyond the reception area, into his office, the street lights shone through his windows illuminating his ornate mahogany desk.
“God, I love this office,” Randall was drunk on the power and pleasure that all of this provided him.  He ushered Suzanne in.  She moved past him toward the office.  He didn’t bother to turn on the overhead lights, but he stopped at the lamp between the two chairs--where visitors often wait to obtain an audience with him, he thought with a smile.  At that moment, he saw a bright flash out of the corner of his eye, heard a pop, pop, pop like a child’s toy and a muffled cry.  
Randall rounded the corner into his office and stopped short at the black barrel of a revolver. 
“Wh-what are you doing here?” he stammered, his heart beating wildly like a hammer in his chest.
Rather than an answer, Randall saw the man draw back the gun with a click.
“I’ll give you whatever you want!” Randall exclaimed, nearly pleading.
The man laughed.  Then, he stepped backwards angling out the door forcing Randall to move into the room.  At that moment, the room seemed to spin and come back into focus for Randall twice the size it had been before.  He saw a large man, dressed completely in black from head to toe.  A ski mask covered his face completely; he was even wearing black sunglasses to obscure his eyes.  Suzanne was lying face down between them, her champagne colored dress was slowly changing to a dark burgundy color as her wounds oozed blood.  The outside light from the windows threw an eerie glow over the entire scene.
"I already have what I want," the man growled, taking a step closer to Randall.
Randall tried to step back, but before he could move, an explosion of pain wracked his left shoulder.  Randall felt himself fall to his knees and toppled face first on to the carpet.
The man grabbed Randall’s hand.  "I'm going to get that guy," was the last thought Randall had as the world turned to black.

If you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future? 

I don’t want to know the future, so definitely the past.

If you could be one of the Greek Gods, which would it be and why?

None of them—they all have terrible things happen!

Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.  

For anyone who has lost someone, there is some solace in knowing you are not alone.

Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published.  

Finding out that people relate to my novel has been hugely rewarding.

What's one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?  

Keep writing—I get better with each novel!

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world, which would it be? 

The England of Jane Austin.

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be?

A Search for Happiness. 

What is your favorite scene in the book and why do you love it?

When Jules confronts her mother and decides to follow her dreams.


Don’t have one.

What is one book everyone should read?

The Great Gatsby—it has so many levels.

One food you would never eat?

Brains of any sort—I think of this because it is the first thing Julia Child thought to try to make.


Favorite place?

Best christmas present?
I had my daughter 5 days after Christmas, so I consider her my present.

Favorite book?
Harry Potter (I think the Sorcerer’s Stone is my very favorite)

Favorite author?
Too many.  I love books.

Favorite smell?
Hot chocolate

Favorite series?
TV—Vampire Diaries.  Book—The Hunger Games


Favorite writing spot?
My desk

Favorite movie?
Meet Joe Black

Favorite dish?

Favorite color?

Favorite quote?
I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow.” Scarlett O’Hara

Favorite flavor of ice cream?

Your best trait?
I love to have fun.

Your worst trait?
I’m very impatient.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for having me today! Hillary peak
