Wednesday 16 May 2012

Review: Break Night by John Rigby

Original Title: Break Night
Author: John Rigby
Genre: Mystery

With his ratings low in the opinion polls and his chances of re-election looking slim, the President of the United States needs to start looking strong again. The American people have simply had enough of the drug pushers and pedlars. The President orders the DoJ to get its act together and get the FBI and DEA working together, sharing intelligence with the CIA and to start taking down the major players in Operation Marlin.

Madison Hayes from the FBI and Logan Watson from the DEA are thrown together as MEX1 and tasked with Capture or Kill of Mexican drug king, Miguel Perez, ruler of South America's narcokleptocracy. Hayes likes scientific logic and verified research whilst Watson is more hands-on. Will they be able to gel in time and work as a unit?

As they reach the Gulf of Mexico and unexpected things happen, the young agents start to question "Who can we really trust and who is watching our backs?"

To bring Perez in they are going to need to use all their skills and wit along with help from a variety of unlikely sources including an accidental hero, America's elite Special Forces and unidentified species.

A sharp narco-thriller with a sting in the tail.


2 agents assigned to capture or kill a drug dealer - very simple plot, but that doesn't mean it cannot be good.  The pace of the novel is slow.  It starts with the readers knowing about the primary characters - Logan and Madisson.  Then it proceeds with the plans to capture the drug Lord.  Everything is fine, but for a mystery, the main thing is 'the element of surprise'.  I didn't see that anywhere in this novel.

There is a sub-plot in the novel, which I actually enjoyed a lot than the main plot.  Its based on the increasing discovery of snake-like creatures inside a human's stomach.  If the next book is about that, maybe I will pick it up.

Break Night seems like a regular thriller, with some main parameters of the genre missing.  It was good, but it clearly won't break the record, until the author captivates and engrosses the readers with the feel, that we usually get from a thriller novel.

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