Thursday 19 December 2013

Day 19 of the Magical Christmas with Natalie D Richards + Print Copy Giveaway

We are going to celebrate day 19 of the Magical Christmas with Natalie Richards.  Don't miss the previous giveaways!

Day 1 with Amalie Howard + Paperback Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 2 with Karla J. Nellenbach + 10 Books Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 3 with February Grace + 10 Books Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 4 with CJ Lyons + Print copy Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 5 with A.J. Aalto + 20 Books Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 6 with Anne Perry + Hardcover Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 7 with Natalie Damschroder + $5 Gift Card & short story Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 8 with Holly Webb + Paperback Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 9 with Helen Docherty and Bill Cotter + 2 Print Copies Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 10 with Jessica Shervington + Print Copy Giveaaway (US/Canada)
Day 11 with Ophelia London + Swag Pack Giveaway (US only)
Day 12 with Mark D Evan + 5 Books Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 13 with Callie Hutton + $25 Gift Card Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 14 with Miranda Kenneally + Print copy Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 15 with Vivi Barnes + 3 Print Copies & 1 ecopy Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 16 with Vivi Barnes + 3 Print & 1 ecopy Giveaway (Print - US/Canada, ecopy - INTERNATIONAL)
Day 17 with Eric Pierpoint + Print Copy Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 18 with Inara Scott + 2 Books in the series Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)

And Sourcebooks Fire is giving away a print copy of SIX MONTHS LATER for the winner of today's giveaway.  The giveaway will run till December 31st, 2013 and the winners will be announced on January 1st, 2014!  But, before that, don't forget to read Natalie's post about a time for traditions!

Original Title: Six Months Later
Author: Natalie Richards
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Release Date: October 1st 2013
Genre: Thriller

Chloe didn't think about it much when she nodded off in study hall on that sleepy summer day. But when she wakes up, snow is on the ground and she can't remember the last six months of her life. Before, she'd been a mediocre student. Now, she's on track for valedictorian and being recruited by Ivy League schools. Before, she never had a chance with super jock Blake. Now he's her boyfriend. Before, she and Maggie were inseparable. Now her best friend won't speak to her.

What happened to her? 

And why can't she remember?

Twelve Necessities of Christmas

- Guest Post by Natalie Richards

I am not Donna Reed.  I routinely kill houseplants, eat chocolate chips straight from the bag, and cute pictures of kittens do absolutely zilch for me.  So, what is my deal with Christmas? On Thanksgiving Day, I’m still wearing Chucks and listening to Arctic Monkeys.  But some mutant transformation takes place after that big dinner, because by December 1st, I’m donning red gloves, humming Christmas carols, and ooh’ing and aah’ing over all the pretty lights. 


But, there is something magical about Christmas, right? 

So in celebration of this season that brings out an otherwise dormant cookie-baking, jolly-making personality in me, I’ve created a list of my Twelve Necessities of Christmas.

12.  Shopping.  At a mall.  Sorry, Amazon, you’re just not the same.  I like the color-coordinated Christmas decorations and the push of people.  It just isn’t Christmas until I’ve had my toes mashed in Macy’s by a runaway stroller.

11.  Starbucks Peppermint Mochas.  Lots of them.

10.  Driving around to look at lights.  Yep.  I do it.  My main character, Chloe, does it in Six Months Later too.  But, unlike Chloe, I’m a little creepy and stalkery about my light gazing because I’m totally guilty of the ultra-slow drive-by for really good houses. 

9.  Nat King Cole’s version of the Christmas Song.  *dreamy sigh*  Need I say anything else?

8.  Making gingerbread cookies.  So let’s level for a second.  Molasses smells like an armpit slathered in tar.  I have no idea what happens in the oven to turn that mass of eye-watering goo into something delectable, but—oh, wait.  Yes I do.  Christmas magic.

7.   A Christmas Story.  Because you’ll shoot your eye out.  And I didn’t say Fudge.

6.  Elf.  Because smiling’s my favorite.

5. Visiting our giant nativity downtown.  It’s enormous.  It’s an icon. I’ve visited it every year since I was a tiny girl and it still brings back wonderful memories for me.

4.  Homemade hot cocoa.  There is no substitute.

3.  Watching at least one absolutely cringe-worthy Hallmark movie.  And loving it.

2.  Wrapping presents.  The way I feel about wrapping paper is the way some girls feel about shoes.  I love it.  All bright and smooth and sparkly.  I want All The Wrapping Paper.

            1.  Time with the people I love.  Oh, fine.  I’m being a sap.  But there’s something about Christmas that makes me very aware of the many blessings I have.  And all of those blessings start and end with the people in my life.

               So, what about you?  Are you a Scrooge or a Holly Jolly type?  And what are your favorite things to do?  Can’t wait to hear!


Natalie D. Richards is a self-professed lover of Christmas and the author of Young Adult Thriller, Six Months Later.  She lives in central Ohio, where there are plenty of Starbucks and even more Christmas lights.  You can visit her at or on Twitter @natdrichards.  Six Months Later is her first novel.


Thanks for the awesome post, Natalie!  Don't forget to answer Natalie's question..

Sourcebooks Fire will be giving away a print copy of SIX MONTHS LATER for the winner of the below Rafflecopter widget.

The giveaway is open for US/Canada residents only.

Come back tomorrow for more giveaways!  And did you enter the previous giveaways?

Day 1 with Amalie Howard + Paperback Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 2 with Karla J. Nellenbach + 10 Books Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 3 with February Grace + 10 Books Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 4 with CJ Lyons + Print copy Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 5 with A.J. Aalto + 20 Books Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 6 with Anne Perry + Hardcover Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 7 with Natalie Damschroder + $5 Gift Card & short story Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 8 with Holly Webb + Paperback Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 9 with Helen Docherty and Bill Cotter + 2 Print Copies Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 10 with Jessica Shervington + Print Copy Giveaaway (US/Canada)
Day 11 with Ophelia London + Swag Pack Giveaway
Day 12 with Mark D Evan + 5 Books Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 13 with Callie Hutton + $25 Gift Card Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 14 with Miranda Kenneally + Print copy Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 15 with Vivi Barnes + 3 Print Copies & 1 ecopy Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)
Day 16 with Vivi Barnes + 3 Print & 1 ecopy Giveaway (Print - US/Canada, ecopy - INTERNATIONAL)
Day 17 with Eric Pierpoint + Print Copy Giveaway (US/Canada)
Day 18 with Inara Scott + 2 Books in the series Giveaway (INTERNATIONAL)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A mix of both :) I don't decorate my apartment so I've been called Scroogish but it's just laziness but I do love playing Christmas music. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I don't know that I'm a Scrooge. I do like Christmas, and I enjoy the decor at church and and people's yards. But I'm not much into decorating the house, or putting up lights, etc. outside. When we can go tour a park with lights, or see them as we move about, I enjoy them. But if we don't go, I'm not disappointed. If my CD player worked, I have Christmas music on, and I enjoy the Christmas hymns at church. And I'm sure I would be disappointed if I couldn't go to Christmas Eve service. BUT, to say I'm 'Holly Jolly' - nope! can't do it.
    I don't bake either. Basically lazy this year, in past years, working and didn't have time. But hubby is diabetic so really don't want to have all the cookies, candy and such around.
