Friday, 30 May 2014

Feature & Follow #39: Lousy characters Vs Middling character development!

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Thursday, 29 May 2014

Discussion: Why do you want to disturb me while reading? What is SO important?

When you are reading, everyone seems to think you are approachable all of a sudden.  Everyone thinks you are idle and open for chit-chat.  No, I am not idle..I am READING.  And that's me, at least.  I am 'making' time, especially for this reading time and I don't want to gossip during those times.  I feel like saying "Can you please stop?  Go do something else..", but no, it's all about manners.  So, you look up, try to listen to her, keep thinking about your fictional characters and end up staring at her moving mouth with your shaking head.

Trust me, I don't hate you and no, I am not ignoring you.

See, I still love you people, but you have to understand when I say I think books are better companions than people.  And I can't think of anything else in my waking hours until I finish that great book.  I would still talk/laugh/gossip with you, but there is always time for that..somewhere in the future.

Although I am rambling about this, I also know that I can't avoid the little disturbances from your close family, because you are needed and that's another topic altogether.  I am needed and they are my responsibility.  I have things to do and duty calls.  And you know what, knowing my family, they won't disturb me while reading, until it's something urgent or something they can't tend to themselves.  I sigh and keep a bookmark in my book to see what the fuss is about.  If this disturbance continues for three or more times continuously, then I have to close the book entirely and switch on the television.  I already lost my interest to read and thanks for that!  You are awesome!

Source: Grantland

I know almost all of you have faced these problems, unless you are living in an island with only you and your books.  So, what do you think about this?  Are you calm and casual, ready to come out of the 'other' world immediately?  Or you just stare at them as I do?  Or are you the one with a book in hand shouting at the park the other day?

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Feature & Follow #38: Have you ever convinced someone to read a book?

  • To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
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  • Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say “hi” in your comments and that they are now following you.
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Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Double Mini Review: The Chicken Squad and Even Monsters

The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure

Original Title: The Chicken Squad: The First Misadventure
Series: A Chicken Squad Adventure #1
Author: Doreen Cronin
Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Release Date: April 8th 2014
Source: From the publisher
Genre: Children's

They’re darling. They’re daring. They know their shapes! They’re chicks on a mission—and on this, their first (mis)adventure, the Chicken Squad launches a galactic backyard expedition.

Meet the Chicken Squad: Dirt, Sugar, Poppy, and Sweetie. These chicks are not your typical barnyard puffs of fluff, and they are not about to spend their days pecking chicken feed and chasing bugs. No sir, they’re too busy solving mysteries and fighting crime.

So when Squirrel comes barreling into the chicken coop, the chicks know they’re about to get a case. But with his poor knowledge of shapes (“Big” is not a shape, Squirrel!) and utter fear of whatever it is that’s out there, the panicky Squirrel is NO HELP. Good thing these chicks are professionals.

But even professionals get worried. Especially once they see that round, shiny, green, BIG thing in the yard. What if it’s a UFO full of aliens who want chickens as pets? It’s up to the Chicken Squad to crack a case that just might be out of this world.


Chicken Squad are on their first case, when Squirrel comes to the chicken coop with some serious panic.  And the Squirrel doesn't know the shapes well, so the Chicken Squad has even more difficulties, guessing the actual problem.  But, they are still brave and start working together.

I loved the will definitely attract the little ones.  Although it's not an interesting thriller, it will be good if this is read aloud in children's book clubs.  It is educational and the kids will like the mystery part.


Even Monsters...

Original Title: Even Monsters...
Author: A.J. Smith
Publisher: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
Release Date: April 1st 2014
Source: From the publisher
Genre: Children's

An exciting new picture book-perfect for the little monster in your life!

Everybody knows monsters can be...well, MONSTERS. But did you know sometimes even monsters get scared? They can be sad, they can be kind, they can miss their mommies. Sometimes, they're just plain silly. And even monsters need to brush their teeth!

A funny and family-friendly picture book by innovative author/illustrator A. J. Smith, who combines traditional storytelling with exciting interactive digital components.


Poetic and sweet children's book.

Even monsters are afraid of dark.  They have to eat vegetables and they even have to brush their teeth.  And they sure miss their mommies.  Kids are going to love this no-so-scary monster.

It's a picture book, so kids will love to view the pictures of a monster, who behave just like them.  Parents can sit with the kids and read them.  Beautifully illustrated with fun and entertaining narration.

Recommended..for kids, of course!

Note: 1 star is cut of, because the formatting in Kindle edition is pretty bad.  But, I am sure it will good in a hard copy.

The Three Sisters by Bryan Taylor

Nuns just want to have fun! But when three former Catholic nuns have too much fun and get in trouble with the law, they become nuns on the run.
Driving back to Washington D.C. where they work at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Parts, the three sisters are arrested in Tennessee. After defeating the local deputy in strip poker, they escape from jail, and are pursued by the zealous Detective Schmuck Hole, who has personally offered a $10,000 reward for their capture on The 700 Club. Little do they know that when the three sisters visit the Washington Monument, their lives will change forever.
Set in 1979, The Three Sisters is a sacrilegious satire that skewers not only organized religion, but the government, the media, intellectuals, corporate greed and every other part of the establishment. Maybe not the greatest story ever told, but possibly the funniest.
Buy @ Amazon
Genre – Humor, Satire, Catholicism, Politics
Rating – R
More details about the author
Connect with Bryan Taylor on Facebook

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Maya & Filippo Play Chef at Sea (Volume 2) by Alinka Rutkowska, Konrad Checinski

Alinka Rutkowska has created a tale that will appeal to children, which teaches about choices, and encourages communication and sharing. Rating: 5.0 stars from Readers’ Favorite Reviews.
Embark on a one-of-a-kind, unprecedented, breathtaking adventure with Maya and Filippo as they travel around the globe on board the “Fun Princess” — a cruise ship full of surprises. Discover their fascinating ports of call, find out what the local customs and traditions are, join the kids in activities at sea, and explore the remarkable world they create through the power of their positive outlook.
This time the kids spend a day on board the Fun Princess. They become junior chefs at sea and learn how to bake a cake. Maya and Filippo discover how trying out different recipes gets them closer to creating the perfect dessert. They also discover the power of sharing.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Children’s Picture Book
Rating – G
More details about the author
Connect with Alinka Rutkowska on Facebook & Twitter

Thursday, 15 May 2014

Feature & Follow #37: Have you ever met an author?

  • To join the fun and make new book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
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  • Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say “hi” in your comments and that they are now following you.
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Discussion: Do you read what you WANT to read?

Very difficult question, but lately, I am asking this question again and again to myself.  Before I started blogging, I used to browse through recommendations, read some reviews from my favorite bloggers and buy a book.  Very important point is back then, I read those bought books.  Now, it's more buying and shelving and sighing now and then, telling the book that 'I will read you one day'.  That's the whole point of this post.  Now, all I am feeling is like I am abandoning those books.

Previously, I don't have access to ARCs.  I didn't get to speak with my favorite authors.  They were always more of a deity locked somewhere above clouds, invisible to commoners like me.  Now, I have authors as my friends.  And that's one of THE BEST part of being a blogger.

Now, I have lots and lots of books (both ARCs and published ones).  I am not even kidding.  No, I am not exaggerating at all.  I really have books more than I am willing to admit.. and as you think, yes, they are almost all unread ones.  I hate to do that to my books.  Especially my favorite ones.  And nowadays, I never never never re-read the books.  And you guessed the reason's time and pressure.

There is always the pressure of reading the review copies that I received, and the current month's releases takes priority.  This means I am pushing down my TBR list still lower to occupy newly released books.  My reading time is very much reduced nowadays.  So, obviously, I can read only very few books in a month (maybe 5-6 if I'm lucky).  Those books are majorly ARCs and blog tour copies.  Yeah, I request only those which I am curious to read.

But, did I forget my old books?  I seriously want to re-read Harry Potter (like for 2 years now), which I was doing every 4 months, before I started blogging.

Blogging definitely has its perks.  But, I also miss my pre-blogging life, where books felt more close, more exciting and less, well, no pressure.  I still love reading debuts and finding new favorites.  But, I stopped reading old old books.  My TBR list on that end of the lane has never been re-visited.  And I hate it!  You can say that there is only 24 hours a day and you are right.  I still feel like I am failing my old favorite authors, who primarily brought me the pleasure of reading and who taught me that books are more than what you just see with your eyes.

Recently, in addition to reading my review copies in Kindle, I started buying audio books and got to start reading in mobile.  With these two, I am quite happy now.  I squeeze in at least two not-recently-released books in a month with audio books and mobile Kindle apps.  I am not reviewing it though, and that's a topic for another time.

Do you have time to re-read your old books?  Do you continue to stalk your old authors?  Have you ever bought books because you love that author and he/she is your auto-buy, but never got around to read it?  What do you do during those times?  Am I abandoning my books?

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

How the English Establishment Framed Stephen Ward by Caroline Kennedy

How The English Establishment Framed
“How the English Establishment Framed Stephen Ward” is a major expose of a government cover-up that has lasted half a century. It is a powerful story of sexual compulsion, political malice and ultimate betrayal. A number-one bestseller when it came out in 1987 under its original title, “An Affair of State”, the book reveals never-before-heard testimony that has been uncovered by the authors in the years since the scandal broke. Using startling new evidence, including Ward’s own unpublished memoirs and hundreds of interviews with many who, conscience-stricken, have now spoken out for the first time, this important account rips through a half-century cover-up in order to show exactly why the government, the police forces, the Judiciary and the security forces decided to frame Stephen Ward. Stephen Ward is now the subject of an upcoming Andrew Lloyd-Weber musical and this book offers a wider perspective on its complex, central character as well as a broader insight into one of the greatest scandals of the past 100 years. As the authors’ research reveals, Ward’s “trial of the century” was caused by an unprecedented corruption of justice and political malice which resulted in an innocent man becoming a scapegoat for those who could not bear to lose power. This is an epic tale of sex, lies, and governmental abuse whose aftermath almost brought down the government and shook the American, British, and Soviet espionage worlds to their core. With its surprising revelations and meticulous research, Ward’s complete story can finally be told.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Politics, Espionage, Scandal
Rating – PG-16
More details about the author
Connect with Caroline Kennedy on Facebook & Twitter

5 STAR #Review & #Giveaway: The Midnight Spell by Kody Boye and Rhiannon Frater

There are only some books that 'feels' special, right when you close after reading them.  This is one of those special book and I would readily recommend to anyone.

Original Title: The Midnight Spell
Author: Kody Boye and Rhiannon Frater
Publisher: Permuted Press
Release Date: February 28th, 2013
Source: From Xpress Book Blog Tours
Genre: Paranormal, Young Adult
Buy: Amazon | B&N

Adam and Christy have been best friends since kindergarten. Always the perpetual outsiders in their small town in Texas, they’ve always had to deal with nasty comments from their classmates. Adam is called “gay” while Christy is called “witch.”

On both counts the bullies are right.

Their junior year in high school seems destined to be the same old same old until Christy decides to cast a love spell for Adam at the midnight hour. The next day an alluring and mysterious new boy enrolls at school and sets hearts a flutter, including Adam’s. Meanwhile, Christy’s mad crush on the handsome Ian seems to be going nowhere fast. Struggling to capture the heart of Ian while trying to come into her full witch powers is tough enough, but when a great evil arrives in town that threatens everything they hold dear, she realizes that finding a boyfriend is the least of her and Adam’s worries.

Soon Adam, Christy, their potential love interests, and their good friends Drifter and Olivia, will have to battle a force of darkness that has killed in their town before and will again.


What do you ever want from a fantasy novel?  Just tell it vampires, warewolves, witches, ghouls, or is it plain fun?

Whatever you want, these two amazing authors are giving it.  I love you, guys!  I don't want to miss this book for the world.

Adam and Christy are two best friends since forever.  Adam is gay and Christy is a witch (literally).  There is no other gay guy in town and as Adam feels lonely, Christy does a midnight spell to find his true love.  The very next day, a very handsome guy named Mark joins as a new student in their school and he is pinging high side on the gaydar.  And this year, they just has some new friends, Olivia (the new girl) and Drifter.  Adam's friends try to bring Adam and Mark together.  Christy feels something weird about Mark.  And Christy's forever crush, Ian, is suddenly noticing her.  And there is something more bad happening in town.

This book is pure fun.  I enjoyed it to the maximum.  I know many books that portrays love, friendship, parent-child relationship and especially gay guys.  But, this is the book that made me accept and understand like reality.

Friendship: Wow.  I am just jealous of these kids.  Maybe the world is against them.  But, these two don't need much of anything other than each other's company.  I felt so happy and I remembered my happy-happy school days while reading them.  The authors did 100% justice to the plot, that has the main root to be friendship.  The four kids are all cute in their own way and the loyalty they show towards each other is hug-worthy.

Parent-Child Relationship:  This book has the most awesome relationship between a parent and a child.  Two best examples!  I just get enough of them.  There were many laugh-out loud moments during those conversations.  The BEST!  And the parental characterization is just perfect.  I can't imagine any better parents.  As much as they embarrass the kids, the love and bonding between the family is transparent.

Homosexuality: Trust me when I say I am new to this reading about homosexuals.  But, this is the first book that made me realize that it need not necessarily be a topic discussed in all seriousness in books.  It's just a plain normal subject.  They are just normal humans and they deserve respect.  Yeah, there is bullying and harrassment, just because the guy is gay, but the acceptance between friends and family is a refreshment.

The suspense element of the story shows the authors' talent in story-telling.  The authors have kept me busy and engaging throughout the read by giving one twist after another.

I highly highly recommend this book to every single human out there.

I strongly shove this book onto your faces.  You SHOULD read them.  What??  How else can I make you read, if you are not going to listen to me, after all those ramblings?


Rhiannon Frater is the award-winning author of over a dozen books, including the As the World Dies zombie trilogy (Tor), as well as independent works such as The Last Bastion of the Living (declared the #1 Zombie Release of 2012 by Explorations Fantasy Blog and the #1 Zombie Novel of the Decade by B&N Book Blog), and other horror novels. In 2014, her newest horror novel, The Mesmerized, will be released by Permuted Press. Dead Spots will be published in 2015 by Tor. She was born and raised a Texan and presently lives in Austin, Texas with her husband and furry children (a.k.a pets).  She loves scary movies, sci-fi and horror shows, playing video games, cooking, dyeing her hair weird colors, and shopping for Betsey Johnson purses and shoes.

You can find her online at:Website:
Email: rhiannonfrater at

Born and raised in Southeastern Idaho, Kody Boye began his writing career with the publication of his story [A] Prom Queen’s Revenge at the age of fourteen. Published nearly three-dozen times before going independent at eighteen, Boye has authored numerous works—including the short story collection Amorous Things, the novella The Diary of Dakota Hammell, the zombie novel Sunrise and the epic fantasy series The Brotherhood Saga. He is represented by Hannah Brown Gordon of the Foundry Literary + Media Agency.

You can visit him online at


The authors are giving away a e-copy of "The Midnight Spell" to one winner of the Rafflecopter.  The giveaway is open internationally and is open until May 31st, 2014!

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Review: Maggie Malone and the Mostly Magical Boots by Jenna McCarthy, Carolyn Evans

You know I love middle grade books; but this book is the one I can't recommend to everyone.. Read on!

Original Title: Maggie Malone and the Mostly Magical Boots
Author: Jenna McCarthy, Carolyn Evans
Publisher: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
Release Date: May 6th, 2014
Source: Review copy from the publisher
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy

For Maggie Malone every day is Freaky Friday with the help of her very special new boots

When Maggie Malone's Aunt Fi gives her a pair of used, scuffed, plain brown boots for her birthday, she's less than impressed. Why couldn't her life be more like Tween pop sensation Becca Star? Instead Maggie's stuck going to a new school in ugly boots. Until she wakes up in Becca's shoes-literally. Maggie's new boots are magical. They won't make broccoli taste like macaroni and cheese, but they will let her spend a day in the life of anyone she chooses.


Maggie Malone is having the worst day of her life.  Her new school Pinkerton is just the real hell she don't want.  Why does her father has to change her schools all of a sudden?  How is she ever going to make new friends?  This is not getting any better when her best-presents-giving-aunt gives her a battered boots as her 12th birthday gift.

But, these boots are something special.  Wear the boots and enter into someone else's world just as that someone else.  And nobody told Maggie about that and now she is the popular Pop star, Becca Starr!  For one day!  She IS her favorite rock star, Becca!  Literally!  Oh well, things are not always what they seem...

This is a new to me author, so I didn't have any expectations.  And this is a very safe genre - middle can't go wrong very bad here.  So, when I picked it up, I was open to whatever they throw at me.  Actually, although I was not surprised big time, I really enjoyed this one.  There is no engaging message or plot.  This is a simple one day from a celebrity's life.  And I enjoyed knowing it.  I was always attracted to 'behind the scenes' activities casted on television.  So, this naturally made me enjoy.

I still felt like I still don't know enough of Maggie here.  It's a short read and as I said it's just a sheet in the life of some celebrity.  So, there is not much covered about the main character.  But, in this short span of reading time, I felt like I have known the celebrity, Becca Starr, better than Maggie.

And yeah, about the boots!  Well, it's a middle grade 'fantasy', after all.  And except for moving you to someone else's life, the boots doesn't do anything much.  So, if you expect some sparkling Tinker-Bell fantasy here, please back out.  This is more like Dorothy's shoes, just a very minor version.

The prose style is simple and easy for the kids to enjoy.  Middle graders will devour it, if they are interested in behind-the-scene information.  But, adults can just get this in a library for a short read..this is not a keeper for you.

3.5 STARS!

Praying for Men of P.O.W.E.R. by Nina Elaine Borum

You didn’t learn these prayers in Sunday school. Put your armor on, and get ready to see God move!
Do you ever get sick of praying? It’s okay to admit. We all do. It is emotionally draining to beg God without ceasing. Christians often forget that under Christ’s authority, we have the power to command God’s promises to be released from heaven to earth and into our lives.
In Praying for Men of P.O.W.E.R., author Nina Elaine Borum challenges readers to stand confidently and command the promises of God for the men in your life. As someone who has struggled with prayer, Nina believes that God does not intend for his children to feel helpless in praying. His Word has instructed us in how to bring the kingdom of heaven to a world where Satan runs freely. We are all in the midst of a vicious spiritual battle, and Nina hopes this book will help you to fight on behalf of Christian men.
Buy Now @ Amazon & Tate Publishing
Genre - Christian non-fiction
Rating – G
More details about the author
Connect with Nina Elaine Borum on Facebook & Twitter

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Conspiracy of Silence by Gledé Browne Kabongo

#1 Amazon Bestseller in the suspense and women’s psychological fiction categories.
Boston executive Nina Kasai has been living a lie since her days as a student at Stanford University. But she’s about to learn that some secrets are too big to stay buried.
Years ago, Nina fled from her life of wealth and privilege and vowed never to look back. The horrifying truth has been locked away in her hidden diary, and in the mind of a disturbed woman who will never tell, ever. However, the perfect life she’s since created is about to come crashing down when Phillip Copeland –a ghost from her past with political ambition and secrets of his own, makes Nina an offer she can’t refuse: her silence in exchange for his.
Soon, it all goes horribly wrong when a  shocking double-cross sends Nina reeling,  and devastating loss threatens to push her over the edge. To make matters worse, her diary, the only link to her secret past has been stolen.
To reclaim her life and bring this twisted game to its stunning conclusion, Nina must confront the past she’s been running from, and find the courage to make a life-altering decision that leaves multiple casualties in its wake.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Psychological Suspense
Rating – R
More details about the author
Connect with Gledé Browne Kabongo on Facebook & Twitter
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