Monday, 7 May 2012

Monday Musings #7: Will I ever write a book?

Monday Musings is a meme hosted by Should be Reading.

This week’s musing asks…

If you were going to write a book, what would you write about? Would it be fiction, or nonfiction?
My answer:

As of now, I have no intention of writing. :)  But, if I ever write, it would ONLY be fiction and definitely fantasy or romance.  I will never in my life would write non-fiction, except may be my auto-biography, if I become very popular, LOL!

Hey readers!  Now, tell me you answer..I am waiting to hear and I will reply you all today.


  1. i'm the opposite... i would only write non-fiction!

  2. I think many readers dream of writing a book..but I think it is very likely I will remain just a happy reader.

  3. FICTION! And I am working on short stories by request for a few anthologies, I have one being published right now and have a cookbook (which is non fiction) and my WIP which I kind of talk about with my Musing Mondays

  4. I don't think I could even do an autobiography probably wouldn't be too interesting lol. Here's my Musing

    Don't forget to check out my Giveaway

  5. I absolutely LOVE your answer - thank you for sharing! :)

    Here's mine:

  6. I don't think my autobiography would be too interesting. Not every reader dreams of being a writer, but I am definitely one who does! Here's my MM:

  7. Ya I don't think I could ever write non fiction either. Here's My MM Post.

  8. I would love to help write text books for my students. That's the only non-fiction I could handle.


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